Waco City-Wide Trails Master Plan

Photo of public trail-side event in 2021.

The Waco City-Wide Trails Master Plan initiative is an effort to develop a multi-year vision to guide the continued expansion of bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in the City of Waco and surrounding areas.


Project Overview


Establish a framework for multi-use trail connectivity and activation of public space throughout Waco to enhance transportation, recreation and quality of life.


  • Gather user data, public input, and perform analysis of opportunities and constraints
  • Identify strategies for local coordination, project prioritization and funding for local governments

Project Timeline

Phase 1: Gather

  • Initial data compilation, research and interviews with key community stakeholders

Phase 2: Envision

  • Public outreach activities and analysis of existing conditions, trail system needs and community preferences

Phase 3: Compose

  • Confirmation of findings and preparation of recommendations

Phase 4: Approve

  • Development of an action plan for investing in trail development
  • Identification of plan implementation roles and partners

Public Feedback

Public input is the foundation of any successful planning effort, and your involvement will greatly help in the development of a trail system that best addresses our community's needs and desires.

To view the Waco City-Wide Trails Master Plan, please click the link below. For public feedback or input relating to the initiative, please email itstartsinparks@wacotx.gov.

Waco City-Wide Trails Master Plan(PDF, 47MB)  

Why Trails Matter

  • Trails boost health of communities and residents
  • Trails make economic sense and can serve as a key economic driver
  • Trails are for everyone and provide crucial community connectivity