Notice of Public Comment Period for Airport Passenger Facility Charges

On display until August 01, 2024, 05:00 PM

The City of Waco and the Waco Regional Airport (ACT) plans to continue to the maximum Passenger Facility Charge collection rate allowable of $4.50 per enplaned passenger. We anticipate collection to begin when the previous application is fully realized. Based on current collection rates or amendments, the estimated expiration date of our current authorization is January 1, 2025. The total amount of revenue to be collected under this application is $507,932. The PFC expiration date for the proposed PFC funded projects is estimated to be January 1, 2027. The various projects anticipated are outlined below. This written notice is provided in accordance with requirements contained in Federal Aviation Regulation 49 CFR Part 158.24 Passenger Facility Charge.

  1. Rehabilitate Runway 1-19 (Design and Construct):
    1. Description: A comprehensive Pavement Management Program was created in 2019. The final report developed a comprehensive assessment of all aviation pavements and served as a blueprint for prioritizing ongoing maintenance and capital funding priorities. The study found both runways are asphalt concrete and are nearing the end of their overall service life. This project proposes the rehabilitation of the surface course to extend the useful life of Runway 1-19. A mill and overlay of the asphalt surface is proposed and the project will include restriping and grooving. The total cost of this project is estimated to be $4,695,864. The FAA is expected to provide funding in a future AIP entitlement and discretionary grant in the amount of $2,234,082. PFCs are requested to provide the local match of $469,586. This project will be designed in 2025 and constructed in 2026.
    2. Funding:
      i. PFC = $469,586
      ii. AIP = $2,234,082
      iii. BIL = $1,992,196
  2. 2. Extend Service Road (Construct):
    1. Description: The project’s primary objective is to be the final component toward connecting the airport perimeter roadway. The service road extension is needed to fully integrate and gain the full and intended use of the airport perimeter road, which is used on a daily basis for airfield maintenance activities. The perimeter road is used to monitor and secure the airport perimeter fence, manage wildlife hazards as part of the airport’s FAR Part 139 certificate requirement, and to mitigate potential runway incursions by eliminating vehicular crossings of active runways. The extension is located just south of the Runway 1 threshold. The total cost of this project is estimated to be $97,560. The FAA is expected to provide funding with future BIL funds in the amount of $87,804. PFCs are requested to provide the local match of $9,756. This project has been designed and is planned for construction in 2025.
    2. Funding:
      i. PFC = $9,756
      ii. BIL = $87,804
  3. 3. PFC Application and Administrative Support:
    1. Description: This project consists of work components to include: new PFC Application development; project costs development; FAA Coordination; Airline Consultation; Annual Audit; Amendment of open PFC authorizations and PFC administrative assistance. The total cost of this project is $28,590. PFCs are anticipated to provide 100% funding for this project. This project started in 2024 and will cover PFC funded projects through 2024.
    2. Funding:
      i. PFC = $28,590

All improvements are or will be designed in conformance with applicable FAA Advisory Circulars.

The total capital cost of these projects, completed and anticipated, is $4,822,014. Of the amount, the FAA has or will provide funding under various Airport Improvement Program (AIP) federal grants in the amount of $4,314,082. The City and ACT anticipated future federal entitlement funding and discretionary will afford these projects and others at ACT. PFCs provide match funding of $507,932 for future capital improvement and planning projects.

Comments or a written request for more detailed project descriptions should be sent to Joel Martinez, Airport Director,, Waco Regional Airport, 7909 Karl May Drive, Waco TX 76708 by Thursday, August 1st.

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