Notice About 2024 Tax Rates

On display until February 28, 2025, 04:00 PM

Property tax rates in City of Waco.

This notice provides information about two tax rates used in adopting the current tax year’s tax rate. The no-new-revenue tax rate would Impose the same amount of taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. In most cases, the voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit can adopt without holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value.

This year's no-new-revenue tax rate     $0.726941/$100
This year's voter-approval tax rate $0.797753/$100

To see the full calculations, please visit for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.

Unencumbered Fund Balance

The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by corresponding debt obligation.

Type of Fund Balance
Maintenance & Operating 53,405,419
Interest & Sinking 682,323

Current Year Debt Service

The following amounts are for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from upcoming property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable).

Description of Debt Principal or Contract Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes Interest to be Paid from Property Taxes Other Amounts to be Paid Total Payment
Cert of Obligation 2014 80,000 15,475 140 95,615
Cert of Obligation 2015 80,000 21,331 120 101,451
Go Refunding 2015 4,510,000 112,750 460 4,623,210
Cert of Obligation 2016 180,000 90,481 60 270,541
Go Refunding 2016 250,000 27,950 150 278,100
Cert of Obligation 2017 520,000 294,169 290 814,459
Cert of Obligation 2018 495,000 322,950 280 818,230
Cert of Obligation 2019 755,000 586,313 270 1,341,583
Go Refunding 2019 630,000 203,713 380 834,093
Cert of Obligation 2020 1,055,000 704,431 380 1,759,811
Go Refunding 2021 390,000 53,400 120 443,520
Cert of Obligation 2021A 1,090,000 603,744 320 1,694,064
Go Refunding 2022 95,000 48,225 80 143,305
Cert of Obligation 2022A 0 1,967,100 280 1,967,380
Cert of Obligation 2023A 0 2,578,850 310 2,579,160
Cert of Obligation 2024A 1,365,000 2,724,299 310 4,089,609
Cert of Obligation 2024B 45,000 293,071 310 338,381
GO Refunding 2024 0 489,000 310 489,310
Total required for 2024 debt service $22,681,822
- Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in unencumbered funds $0
- Amount (if any) paid from other resources $0
- Excess collection last year $0
= Total to be paid from taxes in 2024 $22,681,822
+ Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2024 $0
= Total debt levy $22,681,822

This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by Randy H. Riggs, Tax Assessor on 08/7/2024 .

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.

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