Waco Firefighter Badge Pinning Ceremony

Last updated on November 22, 2023 at 04:00 PM

On November 22, 2023, twelve City of Waco firefighters received their badges and took the Oath of Office! They will now complete their 12 months of probation while working at various fire stations and completing additional training.

Badge pinning is a proud tradition within fire departments, signifying the introduction of firefighters to their new duties and welcoming them to their new department.

Welcome to Waco's newest probationary firefighters!

Bailey Kirk
• Benjamin McDaniel
• Carson Miller
• Cash Hooten
• Hannah Linville
• Hunter Ringo
• Jared Torgerson
• Justin Duarte
• Kelsey Hazard
• Maria Gamez
• Matthew Danback
• Storm Garcia

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