Effective Immediately: Mandatory Outdoor Watering Restrictions

Published on June 28, 2024

Mandatory Outdoor Watering Restrictions Effective Immediately.png

The City of Waco has issued mandatory outdoor watering restrictions effective immediately through Sunday, June 30th, at 7:00 am, for all Waco water customers, including wholesale customers and their water users.

Due to a water pump failure, causing subsequent low pressure of the water line, all water customers are required to restrict outdoor watering and reduce water consumption to conserve water for households, hospitals, and emergencies.

A high-service pump at the City of Waco Mt. Carmel Water Treatment Plant suffered a mechanical failure late June 27, 2024. This pump malfunction occurred approximately two weeks after the pump was returned to service following a complete third-party overhaul.

Unfortunately, the loss of this pump is in addition to a separate pump that was damaged by lightning in late March 2024. This storm-damaged pump is expected to return to service during the week of July 1, 2024.

Please conserve water to permit city employees to continue to fill water storages during the next 48 hours.

We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


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