
Water Distribution

Connects and maintains:

  • over 1,000 miles of water mains
  • more than 12,500 water valves
  • 4,200 fire hydrants

Operators are on call 24 hours a day. They service leaks and water main breaks while maintaining quality service to citizens.

Wastewater Collection

Connects and maintains:

  • over 800 miles of sanitary sewer mains
  • more than 13,000 sewer manholes
  • over 37,300 sewer connections

They are on call 24 hours a day to respond to customer concerns.

Water Quality Laboratory

The Mount Carmel Treatment Plant is home to the City of Waco’s Water Quality Laboratory.

Environmental Inspectors sample and analyze water samples. They use the data to track the health of our watershed. The lab provides support for Water Distribution and other cities. They monitor the water treatment process and respond to customer concerns.

Lab personnel are on call 24 hours a day to respond immediately to water quality problems.

Water Treatment

The City of Waco has three water treatment plants.

The Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Treatment Plant:

  • Treats an average of 41 million gallons of water per day
  • Has a maximum capacity of 90 million gallons per day

Water treated at the DAF plant goes to the other treatment plants for further treatment.

The Riverside Treatment Plant:

  • Treats an average of 13 million gallons of water per day
  • Has a maximum capacity of 24 million gallons per day

The Mount Carmel Treatment Plant:

  • Treats an average of 28 million gallons of water per day
  • Has a maximum capacity of 52 million gallons per day

The men and women of Water Treatment take 430 samples every 24 hours on average.
Plants are staffed 24 hours a day to ensure the safety and quality of the water.

Water Office/Meter Shop

The Water Office is home to our Meter Shop and Waco Central.

Our Meter Shop reads over 40,000 water meters using Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI).

Waco Central is your one call does it all information center. Every year the call center handles over 100,000 customer inquiries.

Questions? Comments? Call (254) 299-CITY

425 Franklin Avenue Waco, Texas 76701
Drive-Thru: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Pay your water bill


The Industrial Pretreatment Program issues permits and monitors industrial waste. Twenty facilities discharge waste to the collection system. Pretreatment removes harmful pollutants before waste is discharged to the sewer system.

Waco Metropolitan Area Regional Sewerage System (WMARSS)

The City of Waco Wastewater Treatment Plant began operating in 1925. There are currently two wastewater treatment facilities.

A centralized regional service facility helps reduce environmental impact versus multiple wastewater facilities. This helps protect and preserve our natural resources.

The WMARSS system and two treatment plants serve Waco and the surrounding communities:

  • Hewitt
  • Bellmead
  • Lacy Lakeview
  • Lorena
  • Robinson
  • Woodway