Landfill Planning
While the city has successfully instituted curbside recycling as well as yard waste diversion, these programs alone will not eliminate the need for a new landfill.
Our current landfill
(Permit #948A, 11400 Old McGregor Road)
The current City of Waco landfill is located off of Highway 84 and has been in operation since 1986. A Type 1 Municipal Solid Waste landfill, receiving approximately 350,000 tons of waste per year serving an 11-county region with 40% of the waste coming from City of Waco commercial and residential operations. This site is projected to reach full capacity in early 2025.
The new landfill
(Permit #2400, 4730 TK Parkway)
The new Type I Municipal Solid Waste Landfill is on 502.5 acres in McLennan and Limestone Counties. The waste disposal footprint will encompass 175.7 acres, separated into two (2) disposal areas, with the East Disposal Area comprising 112.9 acres and the West Disposal Area comprising 62.8 acres. The landfill will provide disposal capacity for residences, businesses, and industries primarily in the communities of McLennan and Limestone Counties and other nearby counties. The landfill will dispose of household, yard, commercial, and Class 2 and Class 3 non-hazardous industrial, construction-demolition, and special wastes authorized by TCEQ. The new landfill, estimated to be launched in early 2025, is projected to have a life span of 31 years.
The new transfer station
(Permit #40338, S. University Parks Drive)
The City of Waco Transfer Station Facility will be located in an unincorporated area of McLennan County, Texas on South University Parks Drive, 0.1-mile northwest of the intersection of South University Parks Drive (FM-3400) and Radle Road. This transfer station will serve residences and businesses in McLennan County and surrounding counties. The waste acceptance rate in the first year of operation is expected to be approximately 1,000 tons per day. The transfer station is slated to open in early 2025.
Transfer stations are facilities where municipal solid and recyclable waste are dropped off, sorted, consolidated, and loaded into a larger container (transfer trailer) to be hauled to an off-site disposal facility. Transfer stations are typically located near the centroid of the population to be served while near a major haul route to a landfill. A transfer station will increase the efficiency of solid waste collection while providing an additional service location to the surrounding rural communities.
- Reduces overall operational costs by $1.6 million annually- $20 million over 10 years.
- Reduces overall mileage and off-route driving time by 2.5 hours per truck.
- Reduces truck traffic, fuel costs, and wear and tear on the Solid Waste fleet.
- Supports options for future technological advancements.