Specifications, Manuals, and Regulations
Engineering criteria for stormwater management, low impact development, water and sanitary sewer systems, and construction are developed and revised by a City of Waco multi-departmental interdisciplinary team with input from personnel in all the phases of “The Circle of Life of Civil Infrastructure Systems” including Developers, local Engineers, local Suppliers, and local Contractors consistent with the Public Works Department's mission, "to provide and maintain reliable and cost-effective infrastructure that ensures customer satisfaction and the long-term best interest of the community." In developing these criteria consideration is given to geomorphology, geology, local and regional material sources including engineering material properties in addition to federal and state requirements and City Code of Ordinances in these processes.
Suggestions for revisions to current Engineering Specifications will be considered by a multi-departmental interdisciplinary team. Please send via email to Thomas Dahl. Questions can be directed to (254) 750-6622.
No review comments were received during the September 30 through November 1 review period for November 15, 2024 publication.
Summary of new Special Provisions to the Standard Specifications for Construction Published November 15, 2024(PDF, 78KB)
Standard Specifications for Construction(PDF, 3MB)
Special Provisions to the Standard Specifications
for Construction
- Special Provision to General Provision 2 2.9-001 (Surveying)(PDF, 2MB)
- Special Provision to General Provision 7 7.8-001 (Liquidated Damages)(PDF, 75KB)
- Special Provision to General Provision 9 9.3-001 (Measurement and Payment)(PDF, 38KB)
- Special Provision to 1.7-001 (Sodding)(PDF, 60KB)
- Special Provision to 1.8-001 (Seeding)(PDF, 46KB)
- Special Provision to 1.9-001 (Fertilizer)(PDF, 36KB)
- Special Provision to 1.11-001 (Sprinkling for Dust Control)(PDF, 35KB)
- Special Provision to 1.13-001 (Vegetative Watering)(PDF, 69KB)
- Special Provision to 2.2B-001 (Portland Cement Modification of Subgrade Soils)(PDF, 28KB)
- Special Provision to 2.3A-001 (Gravel Base Course)(PDF, 30KB)
- Special Provision to 2.3B-001 (Flexible Base (Crushed Stone))(PDF, 32KB)
- Special Provision to 2.3C-001 (Portland Cement Treatment (Pug Base))(PDF, 79KB)
- Special Provision to 2.3D-001 (Rehabilitation of Existing Base and Pavement)(PDF, 72KB)
- Special Provision to 2.4-001 (Lime Treatment)(PDF, 71KB)
- Special Provision to 2.5-001 (Prime Coat)(PDF, 30KB)
- Special Provision to 3.2-001 (Tack Coat)(PDF, 31KB)
- Special Provision to 3.3-001 (Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement)(PDF, 62KB)
- Special Provision to 3.6-001 (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement)(PDF, 2MB)
- Special Provision to 4.2-001 (Excavation and Backfill) Replaced by Special Provision to 4.2-003 (Excavation and Backfill)
- Special Provision to 4.2-002 (Excavation and Backfill)(PDF, 102KB)
- Special Provision to 4.2-003 (Excavation and Backfill)(PDF, 57KB)
- Special Provision to 4.2-004 (Excavation nd Backfill)(PDF, 2MB)
- Special Provision to 4.7-001 (Piping Materials)(PDF, 281KB)
- Special Provision to 4.7-002 (Piping Materials)(PDF, 285KB)
- Special Provision to 4.7-003 (Piping Materials)(PDF, 271KB)
- Special Provision to 4.7-004 (Piping Materials)(PDF, 177KB)
- Special Provision to 4.8-001 (Sanitary Sewer)(PDF, 107KB)
- Special Provision to 4.8-002 (Sanitary Sewer)(PDF, 2MB)
- Special Provision to 4.8-003 (Sanitary Sewer)(PDF, 4MB)
- Special Provision to 4.8-004 (Sanitary Sewer)(PDF, 3MB)
- Special Provision to 5.1-001 (Concrete and Reinforcement)(PDF, 281KB)
- Special Provision to 5.1-002 (Concrete and Reinforcement)(PDF, 95KB)
- special Provision to 5.1-003 (Concrete and Reinforcement)(PDF, 5MB)
- Special Provision to 5.3-001 (Concrete Curb & Gutter)(PDF, 33KB)
- Special Provision to 5.3-002 (Concrete Curb & Gutter)(PDF, 4MB)
- Special Provision to 5.3-003 (Concrete Curb & Gutter)(PDF, 1MB)
- Special Provision to 5.4-001 (Concrete Sidewalks and Driveway approaches)(PDF, 41KB)
- Special Provision to 8.7-001 (Pavement Markings & Roadway Signage)(PDF, 173KB)
Requirements for Pavement Cuts(PDF, 152KB)
Stormwater Management Regulations(PDF, 27KB)
Storm Drainage Design Manual(PDF, 5MB)
Waco Low Impact Development (LID) Guidance Manual(PDF, 6MB)
Final Draft Water & Sanitary Sewer Design Manual
*As-Built Drawings - (available upon request)
For more information call (254) 750-5440.