Metropolitan Planning Organization


2050 MTP

The 30-day public comment period concerning a draft of the Waco MPO's Convey 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) has ended.

Visit the 2050 MTP Story Map for most current information.

The Waco MPO's MTP was finalized and adopted by Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization's Policy Board during the January 16, 2025, meeting.

Download 2050 Convey Metropolitan Transportation Plan with Appendices

About Us

The Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) coordinates transportation planning activities for all of McLennan County.

MPOs were established by the federal government to ensure that transportation decisions within the MPO area are performed in a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative process, and guided by local and public input. MPOs develop long-range transportation plans and program funds for projects and operations. The plans serve as the roadmap for future projects and programs. MPOs also conduct short-range planning and identify projects and funding sources.

View Plans and Programs

Agreements & Contracts


The Waco MPO planning process is guided by the MPO Policy Board and the Technical Advisory Committee. Policy Board and Technical Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public.

Meeting agendas are posted at least three days prior to the event. For more information concerning a specific agenda item, call (254) 750-5650.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend these meetings and who may need auxiliary aids or services should contact the MPO at (254) 750-5650 at least 24 hours in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Please visit the Meetings page for information on all upcoming MPO meetings.

Get Involved, Share Your Vision, Stay Informed

The Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) develops transportation plans and programs to address future mobility needs of the greater Waco area. We want to work with you to develop a multimodal transportation system that meets the needs of you and your family, your employer and visitors to our area attractions.

Watch the calendar for scheduled meetings, webinars, and opportunities for public comment.

Submit a Form

Contact the MPO at or (254) 750-5650 to:

  • subscribe to email notifications
  • request information in languages other than English
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday.

Amendment Intake

Eligible Plans & Programs:

  • Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
  • Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
  • Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP)
  • Active Transportation Plan (ATP)
  • Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)

TxDOT and local member government can submit a proposed amendment for staff evaluation by selecting an option below.

Note: each option requires a login.